ROKI Co., Ltd. issued its environmental declaration in 1998. We have
established a basic environmental policy and are actively pursuing
environmental conservation activities. As a filter specialist,
our work in developing eco-friendly automotive parts has been accompanied
by a commitment to environmental initiatives that has included countermeasures
for pollution control, tighter management of chemical substances,
energy conservation, zero emissions, and the conversion to lead- and chrome-free
products. We acquired ISO14001 Environmental Management System
Certification in March, 2004, and are committed to making further improvements
that will involve additional energy savings in plants and sales offices,
resource saving measures, reductions in waste and additional pollution
As an example of our efforts, as a corporation, to preserve the environment, we are pursuing an initiative to establish a uniform recycling system. The old uniforms we collect are shredded and can be used as acoustic or heat insulation materials by automobile parts makers or construction companies.

To grow in the twenty-first century, a company needs to actively tackle environmental issues, to direct its managerial forces towards the environment, society and the economy, and to achieve outstanding results. With this in mind, ROKI Co., Ltd. is pursuing the following initiatives:
1.Energy conservation |
- Increased capacity utilization
- Management of air-conditioning, lighting and office equipment
- No vehicle idling
2.Waste reduction |
- 10% reductions in waste annually
- Increased resin reuse rates
- Increased waste plastic thermal recycling rates
3.Pollution controls |
- Switch from organic to water-based coating compounds
- Switch from organic to water-based cleaning materials
- Noise controls
- Zero grease
We consistently aspire for harmony between people and the environment and we will contribute to the creation of an affluent and untroubled society.